This page lists some frequently asked questions and their answers.
How long does the single-use battery last?
The single-use battery we recommend (SAFT LS33600) with a capacity of 16Ah will last for over 3 years with a send interval of 10 minutes.
How often does Fencyboy measure the voltage?
Fencyboy measures every single energy pulse on the fence. With most of the livestock fences we have seen so far, this means 40 measurements per minute. However, the measured values are normally only transmitted in a combined form after a few minutes.
Known Problems
The voltage reading shows just 50V, but the fence definitely has a voltage of 1000V+. What’s wrong?
If your Fencyboy sensor is showing an incorrect low voltage (e.g., ~50V instead of 1000V+), the sensor likely did not start correctly. This can happen if the setup process wasn't followed precisely, especially Step 5 in the Getting Started Guide. During startup, the guide requires you to press the reset button for 1 second and then release it, preparing the system to start correctly. If this step is skipped, the sensor may not initialize properly, leading to incorrect voltage readings.
The Debug LED blinks for 3,5, or 10 times
Blinking of the Debug LED for more than 0.2 seconds indicates an error with the Fencyboy during startup or operation. Please proceed with the following steps because the error is likely caused by a failed initialization of the sensor.
Reboot the sensor by disconnecting the battery and follow the Getting Started Guide again.
Contact us and explain the situation. We are happy to help.
Last updated
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